Kids Programming
Kids Shadow Boxing
In-Person Warrenville
Tuesdays, June – August, 2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Kids will build confidence and learn to move their bodies. Delilah Matos, Certified USA Boxing Coach, will coach the kids for a low-impact, non-contact shadow boxing class.
Art, Movement and Nature
In Person Warrenville
Thursdays in July 13 – 27th, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Cheri Hunt, Art Instructor, Northwestern Medicine Living Well Cancer Resources
Erin Bloodworth, Wellness Coordinator, Northwestern Medicine Living Well Cancer Resources
Join Living Well art instructor Cheri Hunt and wellness coordinator Erin Bloodworth in a 3-part series, explore, gather natural art ephemera to create one of a kind projects, and move your body while enjoying the summer weather!
Kids Recipe Swap o Rama
In Person Geneva
Tuesday, July 25, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Mary Zupke, RD, LDN, MS, FAND, Northwestern Medicine Delnor Cancer Center
Bring your favorite recipes from home and choose from our favorites to put together a collection to share with family and friends!